Customer On-boarding Solutions
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Increase customer integration
To truly leverage the value of customer integration and your Order to Cash (O2C) solution you need to engage, interact and add value to your customers to take them with you on the journey.
B2BE has a range of solutions to help with customer on-boarding. From automated self on-boarding via the O2C portal through to managed roll-out and on-boarding for your customer’s EDI solutions.
B2BE can help you create your electronic community in the most efficient way to leverage the investments made as part of your organisations automation journey.
Customer On-boarding helping to solve
Getting the most from electronic trading
The more customers you can trade with electronically will better support your efficiency goals and better manage process. Getting customers on-boarded to trade electronically means assessing each customer’s capabilities and how best to interact with them which can be time consuming. Similarly, a customer may have very strict ways they will trade which you need to comply with.
Simplification of standards and electronic trading approaches
After understanding what capabilities customers may have it then come to the time where on-boarding the EDI capable customers commences, of course this process may occur over months or even years. However, you will then need to either dictate electronic trading processes which can mean slower roll-outs or you can spend time managing multiple connectivity methods or document formats, all slow going to manage in-house and usually you need to fall into-step with your customer’s approach.
Specific trading circumstances
You may as an organisation have a very broad customer base. This means what you sell may vary from customer to customer in terms of how you trade with them. Do you sell off the shelf or manufactured to order, or both? The document set you trade with customers will dictate how the process works and each customer will support different document set requirements.
Options and approaches
B2BE’s Customer On-boarding workflow

Our Customer On-boarding solution means you can get B2BE to do the work and better reap the rewards of your O2C solution.
Key features of B2BE's Customer On-boarding solution
Order to Cash Portal
You can setup customers to have access to your O2C portal so they’re given full visibility of documents and other useful tools to help better collaborate with customers.
B2BE assisted on-boarding
B2BE can manage on-boarding your customers to trade electronically with your organisation. This maybe access to the order to cash portal or with EDI integration, testing and setup. B2BE’s involvement can be a little or a lot.
There are a number of reports to help provide to you the number of customers who have been on-boarded and how they trade so you can keep track of this throughout your customer engagement and on-boarding process.
Dashboard and application dashlets
Similarly, there are snapshot dashlets to report customer on-boarding by document and volumes in a quick and simple to view way.
What you can achieve with B2BE's Customer On-boarding solutions
By being able to on-board your customers easily into your O2C solution means you will be able to collaborate with them more rapidly and interactions with customers will become more meaningful and focused where they need to be and less time spent on the day-to-day.
Easy to use solutions
Self fulfillment
Process and document cost reductions
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