Customer Web Portal Solutions
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Visibly collaborate with all your customers
To better service, manage and interact with your customers B2BE’s customer based Web Portal Portal solution provide a range of tools not only to help your organization to manage this but also give your organization a way to engage with customers that has more meaning.
The customer Web Portal has a range of tools and solutions to better manage customer processes and ways to interact with customer’s more readily. Customer invoices, for example are not only available online for payment but where issues arise queries can be raised by customers and dealt with much faster to ensure the customer is serviced and better rates interactions with your organization.
The Web Portal is a great way to manage processes, improve and increase visibility internally to ensure any back-office functions operate more smoothly so customer touch points are seamless, and if not, they can be managed quickly.
Customer Web Portal helping to solve
Limited process involvement
Limited self service opportunities
Lost and missing documents
Most organizations suffer to some degree with customers losing their documents, or claiming they were never received in the case of invoices. Without a way of managing this sometimes weeks can pass before an issue is identified meaning valuable time is lost and it is then reliant on people to remember, which is not always infallible.
Poor levels of responsiveness
The sales process with clients has any number of fail points which will ultimately effect profitability as goods may be delivered late, to the wrong address or not at all. A streamlined Order to Cash (O2C) process means just that, streamlined with the idea issues are removed or can be dealt with easily and in a timely manner.
B2BE’s Customer Web Portal workflow

Our Customer Web Portal has a range of tools and solutions to better manage customer processes and ways to interact with customer’s more readily.
Key features of B2BE's Customer Web Portal solutions
Customer on-boarding
Of course having the customer Web Portal is one thing but you want to get customers on-board. B2BE can help you with this process or provide tools to facilitate this so you can maximize the Web Portal’s use, internally to your organization or externally with your customer base.
Access and data restrictions
Within your organization you may have a branch network or retail stores, distribution centers and of course a head office. Similarly a customer may buy across multiple branches and deal with a head office for credit issues, for example. This means there are many touch points and each one of these needs to be managed so sensitive data is not shared, or made available where it’s not relevant to some parties in the process. Data restrictions means data and users are easily restricted to see what is relevant to them.
Document Management access
All the document you receive and sent to your customers are available within the Web Portal. If the document forms part of a transaction all documents are also linked so it means your business can see sales orders, delivery dockets (and POD’s) and invoices. Similarly, your customers can also see these so there is never a lost document.
Customer solutions and workflows
Cloud but not SaaS
What you can achieve with B2BE's Customer Web Portal solutions
Access to B2BE's Order to Cash solutions
The customer Web Portal provides the window into many of B2BE’s O2C processes and workflow solutions.
These are specifically designed for the owner of the Web Portal, however many more are designed to allow engagement with customers, provide visibility and collaboration to reduce errors, waste and drive efficiencies.
Customer management workflows
Many of the workflows associated with the customer solutions means customers can engage in these processes if you wish. If you want customers to be able to query invoices and manage payments then this is easy to configure and give access to.
Customer engagement
Engaging with your customers proactively giving your organization, potentially, an edge over other suppliers. A supplier who goes the extra mile and who makes themselves easy to deal with is more likely to grow their business with their customers more and have a better long term relationship. While saving you energy and time and streamlining your O2C processes.
Document Management visibility
The B2BE Document Management solution means all documents associated with your customers are available to your organization and your customers. Data restrictions mean a customer will only see their documents and can view these historically based on the archiving rules which you have set.
Easy to setup customer access
The Web Portal, based on it’s security approach, means customers can also add other people from their teams. A customer’s accounts payable team may want multiple accounts payable people to have access to your organization’s invoices.
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