European Data Centre Migration

European Data Centre Migration

B2BE is continually evolving our network to support our solutions, services, and clients. Being ISO27001 accredited also means we need to ensure we keep to the highest possible security standards in line with B2BE’s ISO accreditation.

With this in mind, we’ve recently moved our European data centre to bolster B2BE’s ability to replicate our production and disaster recovery sites in the region to ensure enhanced disaster recovery in the unlikely event of a failure.

Ensure B2BE can expand the environments faster for peak loads and demand and align our virtualization across our global data centres and network.

Correspondingly, the environment also meets both the SOC1 and SOC2 ISO 27001 requirements which are in line with our ISO accreditation and means greater security for our clients.

If you would like any further information about this change or how this change may affect you or in general around B2BE’s solutions and services, please klik hier to find an office near you.

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