Unser Webinar ansehen
Dokumentendigitalisierung und -automatisierung für Behörden und Kommunalverwaltungen
As part of the local government community you will be aware digitization, particularly supplier invoices, has been mandated across federal, state and local government agencies.
B2BE is hosting a webinar to discuss digitization, e-Invoicing and PEPPOL within the government and local councils which you will find insightful. B2BE has drawn together a distinguished panel of speakers from local government, consulting, implementation and the ATO to talk us through some of these initiatives and the broader scope of document and invoice digitization and the benefits it offers to local government and councils and its supplier community. Our panel includes:
• Jenny Trustrum – Australian Tax Office – (Local Govt e-Invoicing Lead)
• Stephen Fernando – Murray River Council (Director Corporate Services)
• Mark Nicklin – AllaboutXpert – (Program Manager)
• Jeff Martin – B2BE – (CTO)
This webinar gives you ALL the answers and more.
If you are part of the local council, this is certainly one webinar, you wouldn’t want to miss.
Das Webinar ansehen
Webinar: Document Digitization and Automation
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