EDI Provider | How Do I Change EDI Provider? | Blog | B2BE

How do I change my EDI provider?

EDI Provider | How Do I Change EDI Provider? | Blog | B2BE

An EDI system that is well designed, secure and reliable, built on sound infrastructure, with a knowledgeable, proactive support team, can deliver substantial cost savings, business benefits and opportunities for organisations at every stage of development and maturity.

The challenge for many businesses is identifying the EDI provider with the blend of technical, commercial and project management expertise that can deliver the EDI platform that can bring those opportunities to fruition.

Although moving to a new EDI provider might sound daunting, it’s possible and could be the right choice for your business.

If you are looking to change EDI providers, there are several steps and things you need to take into consideration as part of the change. This blog will highlight the questions to ask when looking to move to a new provider.

Changing EDI provider – key questions for your organisation

1. Do you trade electronic documents on both sides of your supply chain?

Do you require electronic documents from only your customers, suppliers, or both?

2. What document types do you currently trade electronically and with whom? Purchase orders and invoices, for example.

Using your existing EDI provider or systems, what business documents do you already require to be traded electronically? Likewise, are there any additional documents you wish to be electronic? For example, do you wish to receive all invoices electronically and don’t already have this process?

3. Does your current EDI provider deliver any business logic you cannot handle in your own system that needs to be handled?

For example, are you connected into the PEPPOL network via a third-party company and need this to be taken over? Furthermore, are there any other business logistics that need to be transferred?

4. What are the current issues your organisation faces with your current provider? What is it they cannot do for you?

Why do you want to change your current EDI provider? Moreover, can the new provider solve the issues you currently have?. These should be listed and incorporated in your outreach.

5. Where you use, or send data into a traditional Value Added Network (VAN) do you own your GLN/Mailbox or is this owned by your current EDI provider?

Do you need your new provider to take over the GLN/mailbox?

6. Do you have any time frames that will need to be taken into consideration when changing EDI provider? Are there new connections you need to setup or contract renewal constraints?

Do you have new customers/suppliers that need to be set up during the EDI provider switch; can these wait until you’ve set up with the new provider or be done before the move?

7. Do you have the resources available to manage the change from a business or technical perspective?

Setting up an EDI provider requires a time and resource commitment from your business, similar to when you first set up EDI. When moving providers you need to ensure your business can commit fully to the new set up.

Sie können download these questions for free to share with your business here oder contact us to discuss how you can change EDI providers.

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