



对于希望改善现金流管理的企业来说,这是一个令人振奋的消息!我们非常高兴地宣布B2BE推出了最新解决方案 - 动态折扣...



Everything you need to know about the 2024 e-invoicing mandate in France

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B2BE are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Electrical Distributors Association (EDA). The EDA is the trade association in the UK for electrical wholesalers and distributors. They believe in highlighting the important link between distributors of electrotechnical products, manufacturers, electricians, and electrical contractors.

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Amsterdam-based online supermarket Crisp has experienced continued growth in its business. This will allow greater success across the Netherlands and before hopefully expanding the organisation through Europe. To meet the new challenges and opportunities ahead, Crisp has joined forces up with B2BE to manage their communication and data transmission with an ever-increasing network of suppliers and other supply chain partners.

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B2BE| 创新的供应链管理解决方案

We are global leaders in automated supply chain management solutions, including EDI, Document Management and Sales Order Automation. Helping our customers and trading partners transform their organisation by streamlining and digitising business processes.

What is the B2BE Web Portal? | Automated Supply Chain Management


The B2BE Web Portal is a new way to collaborate with your trading partners and staff with ease. Providing a single tool for accessing supply chain applications, modules, documents and data.

What is Web EDI? | Types of EDI

Web EDI (electronic data interchange) automates supplier engagement and on-boarding where EDI isn’t practicable for the supplier.

EDI Solutions from B2BE | Electronic Data Interchange Solutions

Our EDI solution allows you to streamline and fully automate your business processes. B2BE’s EDI network provides a secure and reliable solution compatible with any document format, protocol or requirement.

Document Digitization | Document Management

Transform your business processes using document digitization. Convert manual documents into EDI files making your business processes seamless, paperless and automated.

B2B电子目录 | 为您的客户建立一个强大的网络商店

B2BE’s E-Catalogue allows organisations to build a highly-customisable web store for their customers.

Archiving | B2BE | Automated Supply Chain Management

Our archiving solutions provide a highly flexible method for managing your electronic and paper documents online for easy and immediate access.

Email Gateway | Document Management

B2BE’s Email Gateway solution provides a flexible way to send documents to trading partners who are unable to receive EDI documents.

Print Management Services | Automated Supply Chain Management

B2BE’s outsourced print management services remove the need to manage a time-consuming and costly print process in-house.

Field to Invoice (FTI) | Automated Supply Chain Management

How to use Field to Invoice (FTI) to instantly convert your approved FieldFX Tickets into customer-ready e-invoices.

Sales Order Automation | Automated Supply Chain Management

B2BE’s Sales Order Automation is a hosted solution, no software required, which allows you to take sales orders sent to your organisation via email or facsimile and automatically via OCR identify the sales order data to create electronic files ideally complimenting B2BE’s EDI products.